
February 9, 2016

What to give a man, who has everything?

With Valentines Day fast approaching (yes it is just around the corner), I have been rocking (literally) the internet for the perfect gift to my ex-boyfriend (now my husband). 

What do I get someone who has it all? Yes more internet rocking!!! 
Good thing the internet has answers to everything.  Type: "What to get a good looking and super bait husband for Valentines?"   

The top of the list answer is "know your recipient's wants and interests".  Now that is easy. My husband loves food, sports, playing with our boys and sprucing himself cool.

1. Eating out is easy, but it can be extra special by dressing up and looking pretty for the occasion. There are bargain dining deals on-line.  I normally purchase via Cash Cash Pinoy, Deal Grocer or Metrodeal. They offer 50-60% off regular rates.

2. Special board games would be nice too.  Check out this on-line game store "Game Library" selling novelty board games. My boys will surely spend hours playing these games.

Sample Boardgames from Game Library

3. Basket ball tickets via Ticket Net.  My husband loves basketball and would love to have me watch his favorite game.  I would be of course be perfect if you can get him tickets to cheer his favorite basket ball team.

 4. For cool clothing finds, I always go to either Zalora or Lazada.  These are personally tried and tested on-line shopping sites. Zalora has numerous selections of fine shirts/polo brands, my husband will definitely love.  Check out these wonderful finds:  Crimson shirt to match with your favorite bottoms.

I am just so happy with on-line shopping ~ real easy and hassle free.  However, no matter how fun shopping on-line may be, remember to stay safe on-line. 

For safety tips internet shopping, visit my previous post on on-line shopping ON-LINE SHOPPING ANYONE?